Friday, November 20, 2009

Study Tips for Monday's Quiz, and a Few Good Links

I'll split the quiz between justice and eduction topics. Those of you who took notes on Wednesday's short discussion on justice terms and procedures should be in good shape. Here's a link to legal terms you might encounter.

For the education questions, I'd like you to be able to tell me how Montana's higher ed and K-12 systems are governed and funded. You will also need a sense of their histories and the challenges ahead.

Actually, you'll find everything you should need on the education powerpoint in Swibold's professor's folder on the journalism sever.

By the way, here's a good story on a civil case from today's Missoulian.

One more thing, the Chronicle of Higher Education is running a good series this week on journalism education. Click on the graphic above for a link to the stories.

Higher Ed in the News

New York Times
Momentous decisions are being made that could affect the cost and quality of a college education. Here are two tales about the problems of two states: California and Montana. (Kaimin reporter Jayme Fraser's story is a great example of smart news writing on the fly.)

Here's a NY Times slide show of student protests in California.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Plea bargain in murder case has a long history

The Missoulian's Tristan Scott did a good story last month previewing the Lincoln C. Benavides plea deal in the Florence murders case. It goes down Thursday in U.S. District Court.