Sunday, September 16, 2007

Let's Hear it for Hillview Way

Barring any surprises, it's the public's night to tell the City Council what it thinks of the a $3.3 million plan to rebuild Hillview Way, a twisty, dangerous road serving Missoula's South Hills. Missoulian reporter Keila Szpaller gave you a good look at the project last week, so you should be well prepared. She followed up with another good piece Monday.

If that's not enough, here's a map of the project and a fact sheet produced by the city's Public Works Department.

Take good notes so you can give readers a sense of the debate. It's hard to say if the council will vote on this after the hearing. If it does, you'll want to build your story on the decision and reaction. If it doesn't, then give readers a sense of the hearing (without getting lost in the process.)

You might even draft a few grafs of background ahead of time.

Your other assignment this week: A story from your beat.


Brienna Boydstun Fear said...

Hey fellow reporters,
Does anyone live near blue Mt. Rd that can give me a ride to the city council meeting. My ride flaked and I'm trying to find one. I have a ride home I just can't get there. It would be much appreciated.

Brienna Boydstun Fear said...

FYI My cell number is (503)956-3259