Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Beat Assignments

Here's a list of beat assigments based on your requests. There's still time to change your mind, however. No one picked natural resouces/environment so that's still available.

The beats:

1. Justice I (cops and misdemeanor courts) -- Gerrity, Garcia

2. Justice II (state and federal district courts) -- Arneson, Gundlach

3. K-12 education (Missoula public schools) -- McLean, Whalen

4. Politics (2008 election) -- Dusek

5. Public health -- Klein, Gallagher

6. Higher education -- Maier

7. Minorities -- Rawn, deBouver

8. City and county government --Braaten

9. Natural resources/environment -- Roussi
10. Engergy/transportation -- Pulliam

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